Weather in Berliini in November
The daylights have decreased with less than 2 hours of sunshine during the day. Mostly the weather is cloudy and the precipitation is 48mm during the course of 15 days. The average day temperature is from 2°C to 7°C. Snowfalls are not usual to fall during this month.
The Berlin Fairytale festival and the Worldtronics festival are the two mostly visited events in November. If you are traveling with kids, the Berlin Fairytale is a must do. One of the disadvantages of traveling to Berlin in November is the cold weather. You will not be able to enjoy the parks and explore the town because of the low sunlight hours and the low temperatures. It is not recommended to travel to Berlin in November because the cold weather and the short daylight hours will limit your possibilities to explore the town.
Avg Temp
3° - 7°
Avg Rainy Days
Avg Dry Days
Avg Snow Days
Weather Facts - Berliini in November
* The warmest temperature recorded in in November is 17°C
* The coldest temperature recorded in Berliini in November is (-9°C)
* The average rainfall in Berliini in November is 45 mm