Weather in Berliini in August

Daily average temperatures from 18°C to 32°C, which can drop to 13°C, are typical for August weather. The rainfalls are approximately 62mm for the course of 13 days. The sunshine hours decrease by the end of the month, which is less than 8 hours. Mostly the rainfalls are light rain with thunders, which does not last for long, and the skies clear fast. The most popular beer festival in Berlin is in August, International Berliner Bierfestival. Over 60 countries and over thousands of beer varieties mark this eminent festival. One of the advantages of traveling to Berlin in August is to experience the atmosphere for the Bierfestival as it is the most popular even during the whole year. It is recommended to travel in Berlin in August as you can explore most of the town, the streets are lively, many tourists come for visit and you will have a chance to enjoy the nice weather. Moreover, for the beer festival you can drink beer in the longest beer-garden in Europe.

Weather Facts - Berliini in August

* The warmest temperature recorded in in August is 36°C
* The coldest temperature recorded in Berliini in August is 7°C
* The average rainfall in Berliini in August is 45 mm

Average Temperature in Berliini