Météo à Barcelone en Décembre

December is the coldest month with average day temperatures from 6°C to 14°C. The day light is over 9 hours with 6 sunshine hours. The chances of light rain are possible over the course of 8 days during the month with 30mm but the skies are mostly clear. Barcelona in December is unlikely to be covered with snow as the possibility of show and fog is minimal. The sea temperature falls down to 16°C.
Barcelona World Race and the spectacular New Year’s Eve Celebration are not to be missed. Fireworks, street parties and different venues take place. The town is ornamented and many Christmas street markets are organized.
The disadvantage of visiting Barcelona in December is the cold unpredictable weather, and the shortened working hours for some of the attractions. It is recommended to visit Barcelona in December only if you want to have a lively Christmas holiday with a positive atmosphere otherwise visit Barcelona when the weather gets warmer.

Météo faits - Barcelone en Décembre

* Température la plus chaude enregistrée à en December est de 26°C
* La plupart température a été enregistrée à Barcelone en December est de (-4°C)
* La moyenne des précipitations à Barcelone en December est de 46 mm

Température moyenne à Barcelone