Météo à Barcelone en Août

This is the hottest month during the whole year with extreme climate conditions, very humid and very hot. The weather in Barcelona in August is unbearable due to the heat waves; the sunrays are very strong which can cause skin burns. The average day temperatures are from 28°C to 31°C that drops to 19°C during the nights. The daylight starts to decrease but still out of over 14 hours, 11 hours are sunshine. Moderate rain of 70mm over 8 days and thunderstorms are possible to appear, but still it will not change the humidity and the clouds disappear fast. Open Air Cinema features movie shows in the El Pati de les Dones courtyard, during the whole month of August. The shows are free and open to public. Moreover, Barcelona in August hosts the Arenal Sound Festival and La Festa Major de Gracia. It is recommended to stroll down the streets during the La Festa Major de Gracia because all the streets will be uniquely decorated with many events, entertainments and concerts taking place.
During August the town’s streets are overcrowded and you will need to wait in a queue if you want to see the attractions. The disadvantage of traveling to Barcelona in August is that you will most probably feel like you are in a sauna due to the extremely hot and humid weather.

Météo faits - Barcelone en Août

* Température la plus chaude enregistrée à en August est de 37°C
* La plupart température a été enregistrée à Barcelone en August est de 13°C
* La moyenne des précipitations à Barcelone en August est de 65 mm

Température moyenne à Barcelone