Das Wetter in Berlin im Oktober

The sunlight hours during the month decrease and the total number of sunshine hours is 112, which is approximately 4 sunshine hours daily. The average temperatures range from 13°C to 6°C. The precipitation is 36mm for the course of 12 days. JazzFest Berlin and Festival of Lights are the two most famous events that take place in Berlin in October. It is recommended to visit Berlin during the Festival of Lights, which lasts for two weeks and the most renowned building in the town are illuminated. One of the advantages of traveling to Berlin in October is that you can still see the parks, the festivals and you do not need to make your way through the crowd to see the attractions. It is recommended to visit Berlin in October only if you like the colder weather and the autumn.

Wetter Fakten - Berlin im Oktober

* Die wärmste Temperatur in Berlin im Oktober aufgezeichnet ist 27°C
* Die kälteste Temperatur in Berlin im Oktober aufgezeichnet ist (-3°C)
* Der durchschnittliche Niederschlag im Oktober in Berlin ist 30 mm

Durchschnittstemperatur in Berlin