Das Wetter in Berlin im Januar

Typical for Berlin in January is snow, cold and rainy weather. The average day temperatures vary from -2°C to 3°C, which can drop to -10 during the evenings. During the whole month of January, it is raining quite often and the precipitation is 42mm for the period of over 15 days. The sunlight hours are very low with over 46 monthly sunshine hours, which is around 1,5 sunshine hours daily. The skies are mostly clouded and there are possibilities for show, which does not last for long. Frost appears if the temperatures fall under the zero. Ten days International Green Festival (Internationale Grüne Woche) is taking place in Berlin in January. It is a festival about gardening and agriculture. The biggest disadvantage of visiting Berlin in January is the cold and cloudy weather. It is not recommended to visit Berlin in January because the short daylight hours and the cold weather will not contribute to make your stay pleasant.

Wetter Fakten - Berlin im Januar

* Die wärmste Temperatur in Berlin im Januar aufgezeichnet ist 16°C
* Die kälteste Temperatur in Berlin im Januar aufgezeichnet ist (-21°C)
* Der durchschnittliche Niederschlag im Januar in Berlin ist 42 mm

Durchschnittstemperatur in Berlin