Top 10 things to do in Malmo

1. Take a Walk through the Old Town’s Streets
Over 100 fountains on Bern’s streets encrypt enthralling stories about events and heroes. Back in 1550’s those fountains demonstrated the wealth of the community. The fountains were built to satisfy the everyday needs for water. Later the community combined the art and the needs, turning the artistic fountains into historical monuments. Most of the fountains are typically found in the middle of the street. The most famous statues are: Zahringerbrunnen (a bear in full armor), Simsonbrunnen (Samson killing a lion), Gerechtigkeitsbrunnen (justice fountain), Kindlifresserbrunnen (child Eater fountain) and Läuferbrunnen (the runner fountain).
2. Find out why St. Peter was hanged Upside Down
The most attractive and oldest building in Malmö is Sankt Petri Church. The Baltic Brick Gothic style and the enthralling story make this church worth for a visit. It is supposed that the church was built at the beginning of the 14th century. The church tower was ruined two times. Its current look dates from 1890. The church exterior is characterized by the arched supporting walls over the aisle and the walkway. Huge and ornate 15 meters altar with disdainful ceiling is characteristic for the church interior. Beside that, black marble and sandstone podium are added later in 1599. The most appealing is the story about St. Peter. He believed that he is unworthy to die on a cross as Christ, so he was hanged upside down. One of the stained glass windows depicts St. Peter on an upside down cross. Sankt Petri Church is open daily until 6pm and the admission is free.
3. SAUNA as Revitalizing, Refreshing, Energizing and Stimulating Experience
Swedes love to do two things. The first one is to sweat in a wood-fired sauna. After sweating, Swedes love to swim in cold salt sea water. It is believed that those are the two healthiest and rejuvenating things in life. For an exceptional invigorating experience visit the Ribersborgs Kallbadhus, one of the oldest historic open-air public baths. Two separate areas for man and woman are available as well as one mixed sauna. This sauna is on the Ribersborg beach. After splashing in water satisfy you hunger in the nautical themed restaurant. Do not forget since you are there to take a walk on the man-made Ribersborg beach. This beach is a preferred place for bathing during the summer period.
4. Taste the Mix of Traditional Swedish and Regional Skåne (Skania) Cuisine
The top thing to do when visiting Malmö is to taste the food. New dishes came popular as the province cuisine was influenced by the rest of the region. The most popular food to try: the infinite variety of marinated herring, äggakaka (traditional pancake with bacon), ålagille (cooked eel in a traditional way), gåsamiddag (goose, special dish) and spättekaka (sugar based cake).
A famous ritual that all the Swedes do is called Fika. In other words that means get a break for a delight of coffee and a snack. This is essential practice and all employers and employees do it. Locals take time out from work and enjoy Fika outside the workplace. During the day, in a certain hours the bars and cafés are full because of Fika.
5. One Castle = Four Museums
Four museums in one castle is a phenomenon that exists only in Malmö. Malmöhus Castle with its charming renaissance style is definitely on the list of top things to do. It is located in the city central park surrounded with canals. It has been built in 1436. The castle was destroyed and renovated two times. First it was a fortress, later a castle, then a prison and now a home of: Malmo City Museum, Art Museum, Natural History Museum and Science and Maritime House.
Visit the City Museum to learn about the city history. If interested in Nordic Art visit the Art museum which has the largest collection. Tremendous and remarkable aquarium and stuffed animals are characteristic for the Natural History Museum. Science and Maritime Museum displays many trams, jets, vehicles and submarines.
6. Indulge Yourself with Chocolate
Chokladfabrik (Malmö Chocolate Factory) offers a chocolate history lesson, tour of the factory and first class hot chocolate tasting experience in Chokladfabrik café. It is the only museum focused on showing 120 years of making a box of chocolate pralines. The museum is a unique private Mazetti’s collection. Exciting designs of truffles, different varieties of chocolates, chocolate cakes and gift boxes can be bought at the factory shop. Chokladfabrik opened its doors for visitors. “One hour of chocolate experience” offers an unforgettable experience, seeing the chocolate production itself.
7. Buy something Unique with a Designer Signature on it
Malmö is home of design prowess. Whether you are looking for a unique fashion creation or a product from a famous designer, you are at the right place. Enthusiastic stylish furniture can be found in Ohlson and Gerthel. In Norrgavel you can design your own furniture. The shop where functionality, attention on details and extraordinary beauty are the most wanted features. Elegant jewelry, beautiful dishes and teacups can be found in Formargruppen shop and gallery. Mecca for design fans is the Form/Design Center located in the liveliest part of Malmö, Lilla Torg.
8. Immerse in the Busiest Location in Town
No matter what time and no matter what season, Lilla Torg is the busiest location in Malmö. Many of the buildings in this square date from 1592, when this cobblestone square was constructed. Myriad cafes, pubs, bars and restaurants between March and October have open-air eateries. This square during the summer has the liveliest atmosphere. Take a sit and relax in one of the cafés. Watch the people passing by and enjoy the venue.
9. Malmö City Card
Malmö City Kort is a booklet with contains over 600 offers, discounts and vouchers for shopping, entertainment, restaurant and attractions. It is very helpful for it has vital information, tips and suggestions on where to do and what to do. It offers unlimited public transportation and free parking all around Malmö. In addition, with this card free entrance is in: Malmöhus Castle, Malmö museums, and Foteviken Viking Centre. Malmö City Kort costs SEK 100 for one day. It is available at every service point, hotel and bus/train station. Discounted bridge toll for driving across the Oresund Bridge is the best advantage of this card.
Oresund Bridge is the longest European Bridge, less than 8km. Double-track railway and bridge-tunnel connects Malmö with the Danish capital city, Copenhagen.
10. Discover what Extreme Engineering is
Discovery Channel’s “Extreme Engineering” featured the construction of the Turning Torso. This residential building is Malmö’s new landmark. The building was finished in 2005 but it opened its doors for visitors in 2009. With a twisting design and 190 meters height the Turning Torso is the tallest skyscraper in the Nordic countries. To view the city of Malmö from the top of this skyscraper is possible only on a pre-booked visit.