Das Wetter in Barcelona im Juli

Typical weather in Barcelona for July is plenty of sunshine, clear skies with no clouds and rainfalls as low as 20mm for the duration of the whole month. The average day temperature varies from 28°C to 30°C and it drops during the evenings to 18°C. Heat waves along the coastline are very frequent during July. The daylight slowly decreases but it is still over 14 hours with 11 sunshine hours. The air is very humid sometimes even reaching to 90%. Sea breeze appears with maximum speed of 6m/s. The average sea temperature rises up to 24°C. Many events are taking place in Barcelona in July including the Grec (mixture of events), Montjuic de Nuit (annual museum event), Happy Land Music Festival and the Cap Roig Festival (world-class music).
Many festivals and events take place during July and the city’s streets are full of spectators. However, it is not recommended to plan a beach vacation in Barcelona in July because of the heat waves, the heat waves bring very humid air, strong sunrays and high temperatures, which can cause sunburns and dehydration.

Wetter Fakten - Barcelona im Juli

* Die wärmste Temperatur in Barcelona im Juli aufgezeichnet ist 34°C
* Die kälteste Temperatur in Barcelona im Juli aufgezeichnet ist 13°C
* Der durchschnittliche Niederschlag im Juli in Barcelona ist 27 mm

Durchschnittstemperatur in Barcelona