Météo à Paris en Mars

The average temperature in Paris in March is about 8°C, it is still cool, but with a slightly higher chance of sun that in the previous month. The weather can be unpredictable with sudden showers, so it is best to carry around an umbrella.
A lot of interesting events do take place, like the Day of Women’s Equality, celebrated on the 8th of March, when there are a lot of workshops and exhibitions dedicated to this theme all around the city. The Irish community in Paris is quite strong, so if you are here on St. Patrick’s Day, do visit one of the pubs to join the fun and cheer to the health of this wonderful nation!
While this month is still considered to be the low season, the Paris Book Fair takes place in Paris in March, usually during the last week. It is a famous event that attracts thousands of visitors.

Météo faits - Paris en Mars

* Température la plus chaude enregistrée à en March est de 24°C
* La plupart température a été enregistrée à Paris en March est de (-8°C)
* La moyenne des précipitations à Paris en March est de 24 mm

Température moyenne à Paris